Another API Wilayah in Indonesia! But what makes this API project different?
Example endpoints for accessing the data:
Data Source: The data provided by this API is obtained from the official Indonesian government repository at While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data, it is provided on an “AS IS” basis without any warranties—either express or implied—regarding its completeness or suitability for any particular purpose. By using this API, you agree to verify and adhere to the data usage terms of the original source.
This project provides a RESTful API that serves detailed data on Indonesian administrative regions (provinces, regencies/cities, districts, and villages/sub-districts) along with demographic details such as population segmented by various age groups. The data is maintained and updated automatically via scraping scripts.
extension).Clone the Repository
git clone
cd api-wilayah
Install Dependencies
npm install
In the default setup, the API is generated as static JSON files and hosted via GitHub Pages. The endpoints follow the pattern below:
If you prefer to serve the API using Node.js and Express, you can run the server as follows:
npm start
This starts the server on http://localhost:3000
with endpoints such as /api/provinsi
(without the .json
If you start the server locally, you may want to use development mode with live reloading.
npm run dev
The API provides the following endpoints (access format depends on your deployment):
Get All Provinces
GET /api/provinsi (.json for GitHub Pages)
"status": "success",
"total": 34,
"data": [
"nama_wilayah": "ACEH",
"kode_wilayah": "11",
"level_wilayah": "provinsi",
"population": {
"usia_0_4_thn": "58655",
"usia_5_9": "69725",
// ... other age groups
"tahun": "2021"
// ... additional provinces
Get Regencies/Cities by Province Code
GET /api/kabupaten_kota/:kode_provinsi (.json for GitHub Pages)
(string): Province code (e.g., 11
for Aceh).Response
"status": "success",
"total": 23,
"data": [
"nama_wilayah": "KAB. ACEH SELATAN",
"kode_wilayah": "11.01",
"level_wilayah": "kabupaten_kota",
"kode_provinsi": "11",
"demografi": {
"usia_0_4_thn": "130813",
"usia_5_9": "159457",
// ... other age groups
"tahun": "2021"
// ... additional regencies/cities
Get Districts by Regency/City Code
GET /api/kecamatan/:kode_kabupaten_kota (.json for GitHub Pages)
(string): Regency/City code (e.g., 11.01
for Kab. Aceh Selatan).Response
"status": "success",
"total": 10,
"data": [
"nama_wilayah": "Bakongan",
"kode_wilayah": "11.01.01",
"level_wilayah": "kecamatan",
"kode_kabupaten_kota": "11.01",
"kode_provinsi": "11"
// ... additional districts
Get Villages/Sub-districts by District Code
GET /api/desa_kelurahan/:kode_kecamatan (.json for GitHub Pages)
(string): District code (e.g., 11.01.01
for Bakongan).Response
"status": "success",
"total": 15,
"data": [
"nama_wilayah": "Gampong A",
"kode_wilayah": "",
"level_wilayah": "desa_kelurahan",
"kode_kecamatan": "11.01.01",
"kode_kabupaten_kota": "11.01",
"kode_provinsi": "11"
// ... additional villages/sub-districts
You can deploy the API using Docker. Follow these steps:
docker build -t api-wilayah .
docker run -p 3000:3000 api-wilayah
Alternatively, use Docker Compose:
docker-compose up -d
The container will expose the API on port 3000.
By default, this project is served through GitHub Pages for easier deployment, but it has some limitations.
GitHub Pages is primarily designed for hosting static content and may not be optimal for very high-volume API traffic. Although GitHub does not officially publish a fixed bandwidth quota for GitHub Pages, practical estimates and community experience can provide some guidance:
Estimated Bandwidth Capacity:
If an average API response (served as a static JSON file) is roughly 10 KB in size, and assuming a conservative monthly bandwidth allocation of about 100 GB, we can estimate the number of requests as follows:
Estimated requests per month = (100 GB * 1,000,000,000 bytes/GB) / (10 KB * 1,000 bytes/KB)
≈ 10,000,000 requests
This rough calculation suggests that under ideal conditions, the service might handle up to 10 million requests per month.
Note: These estimations are based on simplified calculations and current user experiences. Actual capacity can vary depending on file sizes, real-world traffic patterns, caching efficiency, and GitHub’s internal policies. It is advised to monitor your API’s traffic and performance regularly.
Data is scraped with custom scripts located in the scraper/
directory. These scripts fetch regional and demographic data from the official Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) API.
node scraper/regionalDataScraper.js
node scraper/populationDataScraper.js
node scraper/mergeData.js
Automated updates are set up using GitHub Actions. The workflow defined in .github/workflows/scraper.yml
performs the following steps:
├── .github/
│ └── workflows/
│ └── scraper.yml # GitHub Actions workflow for automated data scraping
├── api/ # Generated JSON API for GitHub Pages
├── data
│ └── json
│ ├── population
│ └── region
├── docker-compose.yml
├── scraper
│ ├── populationDataScraper.js
│ ├── regionDataScraper.js
│ └── utils
│ ├── fileHelper.js
│ ├── kemendagriAPIClient.js
│ ├── mergeData.js
│ └── splitData.js
├── src/ # Node.js/Express server code (optional for local API access)
| ├── app.js
| ├── server.js
| |── utils
| | └── createFilteredRoute.js
| └── routes
| ├── desaKelurahan.js
| ├── index.js
| ├── kabupatenKota.js
| ├── kecamatan.js
| └── provinsi.js
├── Dockerfile # Dockerfile for containerized deployment
├── docker-compose.yml # Docker Compose configuration
├── package.json
Contributions are welcome! To contribute to this project, please follow these steps:
Fork the Repository
Click the Fork button at the top-right corner of this page to create a copy of the repository on your account.
Clone Your Fork
git clone
cd api-wilayah
Create a New Branch
git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
Make Your Changes
Implement your feature or bug fix.
Commit Your Changes
git commit -m "Add your feature description"
Push to Your Branch
git push origin feature/your-feature-name
Submit a Pull Request
Go to the original repository and click on Pull Requests, then click on New Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
If you find this project useful and would like to support its ongoing development, please consider donating or sponsoring through the following platforms: